Come and See!
First Methodist Church of Temple
A place where people can gather together and learn about the Bible.
Worship in a community of Love, where everyone is welcome. We believe in joining together as a Faith Family to grow and support one another.
Join us: We have a place at the Table for everyone!
A place where people can gather together and learn about the Bible.
Worship in a community of Love, where everyone is welcome. We believe in joining together as a Faith Family to grow and support one another.
Join us: We have a place at the Table for everyone!

Most Recent Broadcast
Our latest broadcast! Whether it is our traditional worship service, contemporary worship experience, one of our musical events, or other special events, you can find it online!
Gathering Times
Sunday Mornings
Hearing assistance devices are available in the sanctuary.
8:30am- Traditional, Sanctuary
9:40am - Sunday School
11:00a m- Traditional, Sanctuary
Children's church meets
after the Children's time at the 11:00 am worship service in Room 5.
No Children's Church on (Communion Sunday)
the 1st Sunday of the month
Children's Sunday School Classes - 9:40am-10:40am
Nursery, 3 and 4 year olds - Rm. 7
K-1 - Room 11
2-5 grades - Room 12
Youth Ministry Sunday School - 9:40am- 10:40am
6th-12th grade - Youth Building
Adult Sunday School Classes - 9:40am - 10:40am
Contemporary Christians - Dennis Hall Room 118
Dawson Class - Main Building Rm 201
Saints and Sinners - Main Building Rm 222
Christian Collage - Main Building Room 110
Discovery and Dialogue - Main Building Rm 224
The Vine - Main Building Rm 242
Pastor Tom's Class - Main Building Parlor
Hearing assistance devices are available in the sanctuary.
8:30am- Traditional, Sanctuary
9:40am - Sunday School
11:00a m- Traditional, Sanctuary
Children's church meets
after the Children's time at the 11:00 am worship service in Room 5.
No Children's Church on (Communion Sunday)
the 1st Sunday of the month
Children's Sunday School Classes - 9:40am-10:40am
Nursery, 3 and 4 year olds - Rm. 7
K-1 - Room 11
2-5 grades - Room 12
Youth Ministry Sunday School - 9:40am- 10:40am
6th-12th grade - Youth Building
Adult Sunday School Classes - 9:40am - 10:40am
Contemporary Christians - Dennis Hall Room 118
Dawson Class - Main Building Rm 201
Saints and Sinners - Main Building Rm 222
Christian Collage - Main Building Room 110
Discovery and Dialogue - Main Building Rm 224
The Vine - Main Building Rm 242
Pastor Tom's Class - Main Building Parlor
Wednesday Evenings
Van Ministry Pickup -2:30-3:45
Children's Activities - In the Childrens Dept . 4:00 -5:00 - Games
5:00 - 6:15 - Meal
6:15 - 7:15 -Lesson
Wednesday Night Meal -5:00-6:15
Bible Studies and Classes **6:15pm -7:15pm**
Bible Study - In Grobowsky Hall.
Parents Bible Study - Led by Kay Birkholz in the Parlor
Youth Wednesday Night - in the youth area
**Childcare available**
Other Weekly meetings
Jewels for Joy - Cardmaking Class - 10:00am-12:00pm
with Kay Stewart in the 3rd floor zoom room
Lets Paint - Watercolor Class - 1:30-3:30 pm
with Marjorie Curl in the 3rd floor Zoom Room.
Men's Prayer Breakfast - 7:00am
Women's Bible Study -"Mustard Seeds" With Kay Birkholz - 9:00-11:00 am In the Church Parlor
Stitches of Love Quilting group - 11:00am - located on 2nd floor
Morning Bible Study - 11:00am
Dennis Hall
Van Ministry Pickup -2:30-3:45
Children's Activities - In the Childrens Dept . 4:00 -5:00 - Games
5:00 - 6:15 - Meal
6:15 - 7:15 -Lesson
Wednesday Night Meal -5:00-6:15
Bible Studies and Classes **6:15pm -7:15pm**
Bible Study - In Grobowsky Hall.
Parents Bible Study - Led by Kay Birkholz in the Parlor
Youth Wednesday Night - in the youth area
**Childcare available**
Other Weekly meetings
Jewels for Joy - Cardmaking Class - 10:00am-12:00pm
with Kay Stewart in the 3rd floor zoom room
Lets Paint - Watercolor Class - 1:30-3:30 pm
with Marjorie Curl in the 3rd floor Zoom Room.
Men's Prayer Breakfast - 7:00am
Women's Bible Study -"Mustard Seeds" With Kay Birkholz - 9:00-11:00 am In the Church Parlor
Stitches of Love Quilting group - 11:00am - located on 2nd floor
Morning Bible Study - 11:00am
Dennis Hall